martedì 29 ottobre 2013

Felt baby cot

Woodly Felt baby cot

 Here is the new cradle "Pluma" 
 A soft nest in pure untreated wool felt , "saddle" hand-stitched , supported by a lightweight and durable frame in solid wood. Inside a layer of cotton and organic spelled husks, which ensures comfort and breathability.

mercoledì 20 febbraio 2013

Suspended Cradle

Recently there is much talk of the advantages for children who sleep in a suspended cradle. Promotes sleep, calm the child, reduce infant colic and improve the development of balance.

Here are some examples:

Swing Low cradle of Søren Ulrick Petersen, produced by SUP Design:

 The Kindekeklein

 And the Woodly's Roll, suspended cradle